Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 73

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We have changed her name to Ophelia and she knows it and responds to it and is doing so well. We have another cat and her name is Arabella Figg, so we call her Figg and we call Ophelia, Fee.. Figg and Fee are best friends, they do fight and wrestle, but they sleep together, when we ask them if they want a "Treaty Treat', they both run in the kitchen and go nuts and cry for them, its pretty cute. We have a heating pad that I and my fiance use once in a while and they fight over who gets to lay on it, I added a photo and you can see Fee won that battle. I have a large cabinet litter box for them that looks like a bench and it has two litter boxes, they share just fine. They each have their own food bowl and they have a water fountain that they share. We had one small cat condo and they fought over it every day, so we got another cat condo that has 1 cubby and two places to lay and they still fight over it lol We moved the other cat condo into our bedroom below the window and they fight over who gets to sit in the window and the loser lays on the cat condo perch. Figg had a cat tunnel and they fought over that so now we have two cat tunnels and they chase after each other throughout the whole house though the tunnels they have lots of toys and balls and mice to play with, Fee isn't much interested in cat nip, but Figg loves it and thats just fine for her lol We love her so much, she loves being pet and is so loving, she lays as close to us as she possibly can and when we stop petting her she chirps at us to keep going and rolls all over until we pay her attention, its pretty cute. Overall, its been a complete pleasure having her!!


Hello Kathy. Salsa (now Indiana - Indie for short) is doing well. She's had her full set of vaccinations and is having fun. She's a real joy to be with! Attached is a pic of Indie and Sam (mom) hanging out! Thanks for checking in and Happy Thanksgiving! Best, Ray Tesi


He is doing great! We're taking a nose games class which challenges him. Still leary around strangers but is coming along. I'm definitely thankful for him!


Nastassia is so smart and sweet. It only took her two weeks for Stassi to learn how to walk on a leash, climb stairs, adjust to her blue buffalo diet, and is no longer using weewee pads.My fiancé and I are so happy and love her. Stassi has already gotten use to our work schedules so she is fed and walked twice before and after we head to work. We have an appointment at the Justin Bartlett animal hospital nov. 25th @ 4pm for her heartworm test along with her 2nd nexgaurd prescription and heartworm prevention chewables. Thank you for your fast and easy service of allowing us to adopt her!! Keep up the good work!!


Hi Kathy, “Bodhi” has adjusted very well, she is a very good girl and my other dog, Tippy, loves her. The fosters did very good with her because it shows. She is very smart and is great at sitting, staying, come, hurry up (for peeing)... Here are a couple of pictures: Thanks, Lynette

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