Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 114

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Hello Kathy, Thank you for writing. Elle is doing fine and we have bonded very well, like we've been together since the beginning! She is so good, I couldn't have asked for more of a Sweetie. We just returned from the beach. She likes to walk it but still isn't too sure of the water and the waves. I'm sure it's a whole new world to her so maybe someday she'll enjoy it. She has been meeting lots of new people and loves them all and has met a couple of dogs which didn't go too well but am trying to teach her to not be aggressive. They were both large dogs so maybe that was the problem. Again, thank you for everything and for checking in. Take Care, Lorraine

Elly May
Elly May

Hi, Elly Mae is doing just fine. She is part of our little three dog "wolf pack" and recently has discovered she has a natural aptitude toward swimming. She loves hanging out on the sandbars and is an official boat dog now. I hope she outgrows her desire to chew soon. She had done some damage but she is still a pup so we expect it. Jeff Batta


Hello, Thank you for following up on Elly. She has adjusted well, and is a joy to have in our family. I think she is the best dog I have ever met! She is sweet and loving, and loves to cuddle and play. My children argue every night over who gets to sleep with Elly. They have now agreed on an "Elly sleeping schedule". All of my friends are in love with her too. Whenever I have guests, she is the center of attention, and they patiently wait their turn to hold her on their laps. I could not have asked for a better companion for our family. I searched for a very long time to find a pet for our family. Elly was definitely worth the wait! Thank you for rescuing her. She has brought so much love to my home!


Hi all at Justin Bartlett! Just wanted to write & give you an update on Bella (Echo). We changed her name and she is loving being at home. Thank you for letting us have her! We love her so much and she is adjusting well with our dog, her new sister, Cookie, and our 2 other cats when we visit New Jersey. I have attached pictures to this e-mail as well. She is going Friday for her 4-month check up and rabies shot so she will be nice and healthy! Thanks again! Michelle Infusino


Hello Justin Bartlett Rescue, Frankie aka Edith has settled into our home beautifully! She and her sister Marcey (our pug) are best friends and play all day long. I have continued to keep in touch with Jill and send her pictures hopefully she can share with you. Frankie has brought such fun and laughter into our lives. She loves her play toys and belly rubs. She is your typical frenchie with skin allergies but we have her controlled with a grain free diet. She is truly a blessing to our family and we are so grateful to Justin Bartlett Rescue Organization for bringing her into our lives! Many thanks, Jessica

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