Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 14   |  Dogs: 115

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Patty Cake
Patty Cake

Hi, accept my apology for not answering promptly. Patty Cake is doing well, we couldn't think of a name, so we kept her as Patty Cake. She adapted quickly to her new home. She is so well behaved, a real bargain. Living in an apartment there are naturally the noise of people in the hallways, but she's not bothered, may look up, but no barking. You can sit down with a snack or have dinner and she doesn't beg for food. We were told she likes to sit on a chair , so eventually we broke down and gave her a chair, so that's where she relaxes and sleeps. Initially we crated her at night, but now only when we go out, which is only for short times, sometimes she'll go there on her own. My partner is retired so home most of the time and I work nights so she has company most of the day. She enjoys her walks, we walk usually 3-4 miles per day. We have no complaints, and I'm sure she doesn't. Sincerely, Eva Ramos