Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 73

  Search Successes



We gratefully acknowledge memorial donations made to JUSTIN BARTLETT ANIMAL RESCUE in memory of a beloved friend or animal companion. If you wish, your name or the name and picture of your beloved friend, can be published in our "Rainbow Bridge" page.

Q. How Do I Leave a Gift to Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue?

A. It's easy. The most common way to leave a gift is through a charitable gift in a will or a living trust. Many people set aside a certain dollar amount. Others leave a percentage of their estate or any assets left over after their family has been provided for. Some people choose to donate cash, securities, real or personal property. Others leave life insurance policies, or funds from a retirement account or other financial asset.

Q. Must I Have a Sizable Estate in Order to Leave a Gift?

A. Anyone can leave a gift. "Estate" is simply a word used to describe any money, property or personal belongings that you own at the time of your death. Most people leave an estate when they die, even though they may not have had a great deal of wealth.

Q. Do I Have to State My Wish to Leave a Gift to Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue?

A. Yes, you do. A charitable bequest will not take effect unless you state your intention in your will or living trust. Without a will you have no influence over your belongings after your death.

Q. Can I Leave a Gift in Memory of a Loved One?

A. Yes, a gift in memory is a wonderful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue encourages memorial gifts. This kind of a gift can also be arranged for in your will. You just need to make it clear that the gift is given in memory of a particular person or for a specific use.

Q. How Can I Leave a Gift for a Specific Purpose or Field of Interest?

A. Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue has several restricted funds for special programs, including; Heartworm Positive Program, Volunteer Training Fund, Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Program, as well as the General Spay and Neuter Program. Call (561) 684-1010 for more details.

Q. Who Can Help Me Arrange for Leaving a Gift?

A. If you have a professional advisor like a financial planner, a lawyer, accountant or insurance agent, please talk with them about leaving a gift.