Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 14   |  Dogs: 116

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Channon Ellwood Attachments Tue, Nov 6, 11:52 AM (5 days ago) to me Hi Kathy, We love our little guy! My boyfriend and I gave him a new name but wanted to give him something that still started with an A. Since he was already accustomed to Albert, we wanted it to be a name that he could catch onto easily. We decided to name him Alfredo, because we are a pasta loving family haha! His full name is actually Alfredo Con Pollo Bejarano. Bejarano is my boyfriend's last name. Everyone is adjusting well. Sherry did a tremendous job fostering him. He is such a polite puppy! We just started obedience classes at PetCo. We're learning the basics so far (Come, Sit, Off). Next week, we're learning Down. We're also working on crate training! Although, we are thinking about signing him up for doggy day care so that he doesn't have to be cooped up all day while we're at work. If you happen to have any suggestions for day cares to try, we would appreciate it greatly! Also, We hope to attend some of your events soon. We're always looking for things to do that include Alfredo, and I love that your organization offers fun events for that purpose. Thank you for all that you do! Best, Channon